Focused, targeted, and tailored for your needs. From presentations to writing, to hosting meetings, to developing cultural competency, our interactive, tip-packed workshops will supercharge your English communication skills.
Learn how to make conference calls more interesting, inclusive, and engaging. Practice new skills through discussions, pair work, small-group practice, and simulations.
Hone your abilities through a combination of facilitated discussion, and activities. Learn specific phrases and structures and develop techniques
to be a more effective presenter.
Develop stronger and clearer messages to colleagues, clients, senior managers, and overseas partners. Learn how to ‘interpret’ messages from others in order to be a more effective respondent.
Turbocharge your ability to organize your thoughts quickly, speak with confidence, and influence others.
Learn how to develop clear, high-quality reports. Build the skills needed to plan, structure, and write effective reports that get results.
Socialize and network with purpose. Develop the art of social engagement, while building your confidence.
Create a unique and positive impression of your country, its food, and its culture for your overseas guests.